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Mission and values of Cersanit


Cersanit's mission is to build a fast, simple, innovative and modern business organization operating on a European scale, which would allow the Company to achieve and maintain a leading position on the bathroom equipment market, as well as the position of a leading expert in the field of wall and floor ceramic tiles, consequently ensuring long-term stability increase in the company's value.




\"MariuszDear Ladies and Gentlemen,​

As the Cersanit Group, we have set ourselves the mission of creating a fast, simple, innovative and modern organisation. Our actions are ambitious, yet without underestimating the changing world while remaining ready for change. What Cersanit will be like in the future depends on all of us who are building Cersanit today.

Now I would like to present the Code of Ethics, developed to create a work culture, support you in your everyday duties and shape a friendly atmosphere in accordance with the basic principles of ethics in business. We have matured as an organisation, and maturity is always associated with a sense of responsibility and care for the future.

The Code of Ethics serves as a compass, guiding us towards the right attitudes and behaviour, thanks to which we can strengthen the trust between employees, customers and counterparties. The adoption of the Code of Ethics is a confirmation that Cersanit is developing in accordance with international standards, based on due regard for law, internal procedures and overriding values, such as honesty, respect and commitment.

For the Code of Ethics to be alive, we need to support one another as we move in the chosen direction. Read it and do not be afraid to ask your managers and colleagues for help whenever you feel that its provisions do not answer all your questions. While a compass guides us towards a destination, it cannot replace the steering wheel. Whether we go in the right direction depends solely on us and our everyday decisions.

On the basis of common ethical principles, we want to build a brand whose reputation is based on positive customer experiences, employee satisfaction and honest relations with business partners, giving Cersanit a strong position in the market.



Best regards,
Mariusz Sośnierz
President of the Management Board of Cersanit S.A.