Quality pollicy
The primary objective of the Cersanit Capital Group is striving to increase the level of customer satisfaction by offering the highest quality products with high functional values, with the smallest possible impact on the environment.
The means to achieve the above goals is the implemented and constantly improved Integrated Management System based on the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Integrated Management System Policy is implemented through the following actions:
- Strengthening the leading market position in design, manufacturing and distribution of products used for bathroom furnishing, interior design as well as around-house and public areas.
- Constant monitoring of customers’ expectations and requirements.
- Continuous and systematic improvement in the quality and competitiveness of products and methods for their production.
- Developing mutually beneficial cooperation with suppliers
- Raising the qualifications and technical-organizational skills and raising the awareness of employees in terms of quality, environmental protection through an appropriate training and development system.
- Efficient and economical management at every stage of production.
- Taking active measures to minimize the negative impact on the environment in the production and administration processes.
- Maintaining a healthy and safe working environment, providing employees with the best working conditions, taking measures to prevent accidents at work, occupational diseases and potential accidents.
- Sustainable development based on the principles of social dialogue and searching for solutions beneficial both for CERSANIT and the environment: employees, stakeholders and the communities in which we operate.
Integrated Management System Policy is implemented through the following actions:
- ensuring appropriate organizational, technical and economic resources,
- meeting requirements resulting from legislation and current legal regulations,
- constantly improved Integrated Management System.